Wednesday 22 April 2020

Going back to School? The "Blanquer Plan" as of May 11th

Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of Education, disclosed his plan yesterday regarding the way students will go back to school.

The plan will start May 11th, provided that conditions are there to stop the lockdown.

First of all, there shall be no more than 15 pupils per classroom.

On May 11th, children attending:
- Grande section de Maternelle
- CP
- CM2
will be the first ones to go back to school.

On May 18th, children in:
- 6eme
- 3eme
- 1eres
- Terminales
will follow.

On May 25th, all other kids will go back to shool.

Mister Blanquer said this is the plan. Details about how it will be executed shall be known before May11th, depending not only on how Schools, Collèges and Lycées can organized themselves, but also on the end of the lockdown.
A solution could be that half a class follow a lesson while the other is outside doing sports, and vice-versa.
Minister Blanquer also said that parents could decide not to send their children back to school. In this case, teaching would be done on line, and will be mandatory.