Wednesday 22 April 2020

Paris Museums : cultural games and virtual visits for kids (and why not for adults as well)

Further to this quarantine period, many Parisian Museums have set up some activities to discover their collections and their treasures.
Although, everything is in French, in most cases, you need not be fluent in French, or even speak French to enjoy.


Each museum has selected 5 rooms which you can visit virtually 360°, with a selection of masterpieces.
You can download a leaflet for each museum. When you have clicked, scroll down and choose the leaflet you are interested in.
You wish to try, select your museum!

Centre Pompidou 
The Pompidou Centre : 40 years of modern art
A 15 minutes video every week on all kind of art, with lots of creativity. Some French texts, but essentially for the eyes !
Already 176 videos available. You have the choice! Which ones would you select ?
Some inspiration to create your own masterpiece ?

The Grand Palais
Make some puzzles with the masterpieces of great artists.
3 level of difficulties
Tip : to turn a piece of the puzzle
- On the computer use the arrows of the keyboard
- On Pad : click on the piece for it to turn 90°.
You want to start, just select the artist, and the masterpiece associated to it

Musée du Luxembourg
Different games, like find the 7 differences, practise your memory
Playing and discovering a masterpiece at the same time

Musée d'Orsay and the Orangerie
More traditional visits, but very interesting also. The website is divided in 4 subjects :
1- Les oeuvres : the masterpieces
2- Les artistes : the artists
3- La frise chronologique  : the timeline
4- Les parcours : the paths
To access the website

 Enjoy and have a lovely time