Thursday 28 May 2020

Carbonade Flamande

Anne-Sophie, has grown up in the North of France, and is happy to share with you her recipe of the Carbonade Flamande. Please note, that for this speciality the ingredients are left to simmer together for at least 3 hours at low heat.

✅ The Carbonade Flamande - Needs 3 hours at low heat.
👉 1,2 kg morceaux de bœuf - beef in pieces

👉 Beurre ou saindoux - butter or pork fat
👉 3 oignons - Onions
👉 3 cuillères soupe de vergeoise brune - like brown sugar

👉 1 cuillère à soupe de vinaigre - vinegar
 ðŸ‘‰ Bière blonde des 3 Monts - or any amber beer
👉 Sel et poivre - Salt and Pepper
👉 1 bouquet garni - You can buy already made with parsley, thyme, and bay leaf
✔️ Start to brown the beef with the butter/saindoux in a pan

✔️ When done, remove from the pan.
✔️ In the pan, onions and vergeoise.
✔️ When onions are partly cooked, add the vinegar.
✔️ Add the beef
✔️ Add the beer (cover the beef with beer)
✔️ Add the bouquet garni
✔️ Live 3 hours at low heat.
